Monday, June 2, 2008

Dynamic Indentation Width In Vim

How to auto-indent differently when coding in different programming languages ? I started hacking this problem when I found myself prefer to indent 4 spaces in Python yet 8 for C. As a Vim user, I do this: Of course I put this in my vimrc:
filetype plugin indent on
Then I copy
which is the original indentation setting file for python, to
Finally, customize it by adding the following lines in to the new copy:
setlocal shiftwidth=4 setlocal ts=4
The default indentation width in vim is 8 spaces, and when vim detects a Python source file, it automatically changes that to 4 spaces. Problem solved! A hint about $VIMRUNTIME: you can use this variable IN vim, or find the path it stands for by typing
then hit TAB. I'm curious if someone else has solved the same problem. What's your solution in vim? How about other editors? IDE?

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